Olive Oil – Fresh Jalapeno 375ml


Seasonal Item! This spicy late harvest olive oil is made by crushing our premium California olives with organic fresh jalapeño peppers. This fiery olive oil delightfully enhances anything from guacamole or chili con queso to flank steak and arroz con pollo. Add some Temecula Olive Oil Company Fresh Jalapeno Olive Oil to chili or any egg dish to give it a little extra kick. If you like spicy food, you’re in for a treat! All of our olive oils are fresh-squeezed from the most wonderful fruit we grow. This is a limited release olive oil, and available only while supplies last. So be sure to pick up your picante olive oil while we still have it. And discover your spicy side!

Try pairing Fresh Jalapeno Olive Oil with our Fire Cider Balsamico Tonic or our Fresh Apple Balsamico Bianco.

Fresh-Squeezed Olive Oil – 375ml / 12.68 fl oz – All of our oils are always fresh, and current harvest. Our labels are harvest dated so you can control the freshness. Paleo, Vegan, Keto, Gluten Free.

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